Entries Tagged 'Meta' ↓

RSS is dead? Long live RSS!

Google is well known for starting up experimental services (Buzz, anyone?) and shutting them down.  After watching this cycle several times, you’d think the surprise would wear off, but I was genuinely shocked and disappointed when they finally pulled the plug on Google Reader earlier this summer.

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Where has Dave been?

If, like me, you skirt around the edges of the fitness blogging scene, you’re probably familiar with the person who starts a fitness blog, writes about their incredible gains (in fitness) and losses (in weight) and then suddenly the blog dries up for six months or a year.  You know what happened — the person hit a rough patch with their fitness and didn’t want to write about it.

So when someone who writes about today’s workplace, about corporate culture, about working at EMC, slowly dries up in terms of post count, it might be a good default assumption that they’ve hit a rough patch at work and don’t want to write about it.

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Nothing is so constant as change

You’ve probably noticed over time that “talks shop” takes on a variety of meanings on this blog.  I might talk about EMC, corporate life in general, high tech trends, or management.  I occasionally mention software development, but it’s not a big focus here, even though that’s what my team does.  Finally, I almost never talk about the products my team works on.

There might be some changes coming on some of those lines.
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Who reads this stuff? (or how I “got” twitter in a new way)

I recently got an email from someone involved in the potential launching of a division-wide blog for a  big company.  He was asking about my demographics, basically about my experience with who reads corporate blogs, since my blog is corporate-ish (and I make no secret of my connection with EMC and occasionally blog about the company).  He was asking a solid question — who are his readers likely to be, so he can tailor his content accordingly.

Now, I don’t usually worry too much about that.  I write about general tech/corporate/management topics, and some people do read it, but I have yet to settle on a single topic just to better fit my audience.  I did try to answer his question though, and in doing so I realized I wasn’t telling him anything about web site demographics.

I was telling him about twitter.
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Posting frequency to drop

When I launched the blog, I tried to post on every working day.  After having the baby, I tried to post 2-3 times a week.  But even that hasn’t always been easy.

And now, I’m getting busier.  This week starts the pilot of the EMC ControlCenter Online User Community I mentioned earlier this year.  I’m going to be heavily involved in trying to keep it thriving.  There’s also the fact that we’re all trying to do more with less.  As I find myself taking work home, I find myself having less time (and inclination) to fine tune a blog post at 10 PM.  And as much as I love my readers, you don’t pay my salary :).

Finally, of course, we’re heading into the holiday season.  It’s a time when I try to spend my spare hours with my family, and not in front of the computer.

So I’m slowing down a bit.  I’ll make an effort to post weekly, and I’ll occasionally drop in with a mid-week post when something interests me.  Heck, you’ll probably find a Casual Friday post or two showing up.  But I’m not looking for rigid scheduled posting, right now.

If you absolutely need your Dave Talks Shop fix, follow me on twitter.  You’ll learn all my secrets….

It’s about the people

As long as I’ve had access to the technology, I’ve been online and interacting with people from around the world.  Back in the late 80s, it was bulletin boards running FidoNet and WWIV.  As the technology changed, so did the communities, but it has always been about the people.  It’s no different now, and in fact it’s more obvious now than it ever has been, as your sites and tools naturally remind you that the nodes in your network are all individuals.  Whether it’s twitter followers, LinkedIn connections, or Facebook friends, you’re dealing with people nonstop.

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2.6 Upgrade

I’ve upgraded to WordPress 2.6.  Please let me know of any strangeness you see on the site!

Posting to resume July 8

I will resume posting on July 8.  For the next quarter or so, I may limit myself to a single post a week as I adapt to the schedule of a new father.  The uninterrupted evening time I usually use to fine-tune my posts is rapidly disappearing :).

Explaining my absence

I’ve been a bit busy this week — my wife and I welcomed our daughter Evelyn into the world, this is the first time I’ve sat in front of my PC for more than 5 minutes since Monday!  This is a time of great joy and excitement for the family, and right now I’m not doing much on the “talking shop” front.  I hope you understand :).

Posts will resume soon, but on a slower schedule.

Talking Shop

Just so we’re clear, I work for EMC. I’m not going to play around and say “I work for a big IT company, with 3 initials, based in Hopkinton, MA,” or what have you. EMC Corporation pays my salary (though not my hosting bills!).

But while I’m blogging about EMC, I am not blogging for EMC. That can be a pretty big distinction.

See, most of my posts are about working at EMC. But I’m not here to talk about disk arrays, information life cycles, RSA encryption, or VMware stock. I’m here to write about my experiences in my “work” life – that happens to be at EMC. So I’ll write about EMC, but not in the same way many others are. I think that’s a good thing.

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